Last updated
Last updated
Ticker: 0xD
Chain: ETH
Initial LP: 5 ETH
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 0xD tokens
Fair Launch: When launching the token, there will be purchase limits at the initial stage
Locked Liquidity: LP will be locked via UniCrypt
Contract Renounced: We have renounced the contract ownership, albeit our contract does not have mint functions or other high-risk functions
1% on Buy and Sell (limits will be removed)!
2% Buy - 3% Sell
Simple Transfers have a 0% tax e.g. a wallet-to-wallet transfer.
For added security, there is a hard cap put on tax rates so that they can never exceed 20% Buy - 30% Sell. The first 10 minutes will maintain taxes to protect against snipe-bots.
A further advantage of transaction taxes is their ability to minimize MEV bot frontrunning and sandwich attacks.
100% of 0xD will send to the Uniswap liquidity pool at launch, LP tokens will be locked, and contract will be renounced! The mission is for 0xD to grow, survive and develop organically. Everyone gets an equal chance to own 0xD.